In January 2007 we published this pricelist for the first time. The current prices were revised in 2010 and are based on our best knowledge and information at the time of publication.

We are not able to keep all the items in stock at all times, although we can usually provide the models indicated on the right hand side as sets or loose items.
We also stock non-carnaval items from the Kristalunie, including the following patterns which were made in all the Carnaval colours;
  • China compotes by WJ Rozendaal
  • Onderzetters
  • Duchesse coupe on saucer
  • Table vases in three sizes
We also have a number of full boxes for sale. Because the condition is very important when considering boxes, we do NOT offer boxed sets for sale by post. Please contact us if you would like to make an appointment to see our selection.

These are 'full retail' prices and generally offers to acquire new items for 50% of this price. In most cases we have full stocks of the models up to K13 and only wish to but extra items from the higher numbered models. In most cases we are happy to swap (2-for-1) with collectors who are looking for particular colours at any of our Open House days (Kijkdagen). In other words if you bring us 2 cognac glasses (K8) then you may select one of any colour in exchange. This ensures that you do not have to waste extra time looking for a particular colour.

Copyright Hogelandshoeve & McLellan-Verhoeven, 2019. All rights reserved and images copyright unless otherwise stated
Copyright (C) Hogelandshoeve & McLellan-Verhoeven, 2019.
All rights reserved and images copyright unless otherwise stated.